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Thirumoorthy #1285

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Material used: Black Granite


  • Height: 10 in
  • Width: 7 in

The three most significant forms – Brahma (Creator), Vishnu (Preserver) and Shiva (destroyer) together are called Thirumoorthy.
A magnificent artwork carved in black granite depicting the three deities.
Lord Shiva carved in the middle, Brahma and Vishnu on the sides.
The physical attributes, the jewels adorning the gods, the snake around Shiva’s neck, the tripundra and third eye on Shiva’s head, the majestic crown on the triads, the partially visible religious mark on Vishnu’s and Brahma’s forehead are the distinctive features of this magnificent artwork.
Behind the sculpture of Shiva is a carving of his consort Parvathi in a seated position holding a half-bloomed flower in her hand.
A neatly carved statue which is ideal for indoor décor.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1 416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges). 




Material used: Black Granite


  • Height: 10 in
  • Width: 7 in

The three most significant forms – Brahma (Creator), Vishnu (Preserver) and Shiva (destroyer) together are called Thirumoorthy.
A magnificent artwork carved in black granite depicting the three deities.
Lord Shiva carved in the middle, Brahma and Vishnu on the sides.
The physical attributes, the jewels adorning the gods, the snake around Shiva’s neck, the tripundra and third eye on Shiva’s head, the majestic crown on the triads, the partially visible religious mark on Vishnu’s and Brahma’s forehead are the distinctive features of this magnificent artwork.
Behind the sculpture of Shiva is a carving of his consort Parvathi in a seated position holding a half-bloomed flower in her hand.
A neatly carved statue which is ideal for indoor décor.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1 416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges). 


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