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Nataraja #69

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Material used: Marble


  • Height: 5 in
  • Width: 4.5 in

Nataraja, a depiction of Hindu god Shiva as the divine cosmic dancer.
The two most common forms of Shiva’s dance – Lasya, the gentle form associated with creation of the world, Ananda Tandava, the vigorous form associated with destruction.
The statue of Nataraj made of marble, depicts the lord with 4 hands holding various elements of symbolic representation.
The upper right hand holding the trishool, the upper left hand holding the fire, the lower left hand in gajahastanmudra and lower right in abhaya.The right foot trampled upon the demon dwarf, Apasmara.
A unique work of art that can be placed in any appropriate indoor space of your choice.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1-416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges.)




Material used: Marble


  • Height: 5 in
  • Width: 4.5 in

Nataraja, a depiction of Hindu god Shiva as the divine cosmic dancer.
The two most common forms of Shiva’s dance – Lasya, the gentle form associated with creation of the world, Ananda Tandava, the vigorous form associated with destruction.
The statue of Nataraj made of marble, depicts the lord with 4 hands holding various elements of symbolic representation.
The upper right hand holding the trishool, the upper left hand holding the fire, the lower left hand in gajahastanmudra and lower right in abhaya.The right foot trampled upon the demon dwarf, Apasmara.
A unique work of art that can be placed in any appropriate indoor space of your choice.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1-416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges.)


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