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Shiva #1491

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Material used – Red Marble


  • Height: 9.5 in
  • Width: 4 in

A stunning sculpture of Shiva carved out of red marble.
The four-handed deity in a standing posture, holding the damaru in the upper right hand, trishool in the lower right hand, Agni in upper left hand and the kamandalam (water pot) in the lower left hand.
The matted hair lock, the crescent moon, ornaments and his attire of tiger-skin around his waist designed in varied patterns are the other special features of the artwork.
A unique work of art that can be placed in any appropriate indoor space of your choice.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1-416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges.)




Material used – Red Marble


  • Height: 9.5 in
  • Width: 4 in

A stunning sculpture of Shiva carved out of red marble.
The four-handed deity in a standing posture, holding the damaru in the upper right hand, trishool in the lower right hand, Agni in upper left hand and the kamandalam (water pot) in the lower left hand.
The matted hair lock, the crescent moon, ornaments and his attire of tiger-skin around his waist designed in varied patterns are the other special features of the artwork.
A unique work of art that can be placed in any appropriate indoor space of your choice.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1-416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges.)


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