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Medicine Buddha #928

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Material used: Black granite


  • Height: 12
  • Width: 8

An impressive statue carved out of black granite.
Medicine Buddha seated in a lotus position with bowl of healing mixture in his left hand and the herb of the healing concoction in his right hand.
The Medicine Buddha otherwise called the Healing Buddha is regarded as the patron saint of medicines, who cures sufferings (both physical & spiritual) using the medicine of his teachings
The statue is sculpted with great attention to Buddha’s robe, facial expressions and physical attributes.
Ideal to be place in the living room or any appropriate indoor space.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1 416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges). 




Material used: Black granite


  • Height: 12
  • Width: 8

An impressive statue carved out of black granite.
Medicine Buddha seated in a lotus position with bowl of healing mixture in his left hand and the herb of the healing concoction in his right hand.
The Medicine Buddha otherwise called the Healing Buddha is regarded as the patron saint of medicines, who cures sufferings (both physical & spiritual) using the medicine of his teachings
The statue is sculpted with great attention to Buddha’s robe, facial expressions and physical attributes.
Ideal to be place in the living room or any appropriate indoor space.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1 416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges). 


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