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Vishnu Durga #431

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Material used : Kadappa Stone


  • Height: 10 in
  • Width: 4 in

A stunning artwork of goddess Vishnu Durga in kadappa stone.
Vishnu Durga, also known as Narayani, one of the various forms of goddess Durga, is the sister of Lord Krishna, born immediately before him.
The goddess is seen with four hands, holding the chakra in the upper right and conch in the upper left. The lower right in abhaya mudra and the left resting on the thigh.
The clear and simple patterns on her attire, fine jewelry are the notable features of this sculpture.
A statue ideal for indoor decor.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1 416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges).




Material used : Kadappa Stone


  • Height: 10 in
  • Width: 4 in

A stunning artwork of goddess Vishnu Durga in kadappa stone.
Vishnu Durga, also known as Narayani, one of the various forms of goddess Durga, is the sister of Lord Krishna, born immediately before him.
The goddess is seen with four hands, holding the chakra in the upper right and conch in the upper left. The lower right in abhaya mudra and the left resting on the thigh.
The clear and simple patterns on her attire, fine jewelry are the notable features of this sculpture.
A statue ideal for indoor decor.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1 416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges).


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