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Adiyogi Shiva #946

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Material used – Kadappa Stone


  • Height: 14 in
  • Width: 8 in

A stunning marble sculpture of Shiva in deep meditation.
Fondly called as Adiyogi, he is the patron god of yoga, meditation and arts.
The statue depicts Shiva in a deep meditation, sitting in padmasana and abhaya yoga mudra.
The neatly carved floral head-rest, matted hair lock, serpent around his neck, the rudraksha and ornaments, tripundra and third eye, and the tiger-skin attire are the special features which speak of skilled craftsmanship.
An amazing work of artistry to adorn your indoor space, prayer/meditation hall.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1-416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges.)




Material used – Kadappa Stone


  • Height: 14 in
  • Width: 8 in

A stunning marble sculpture of Shiva in deep meditation.
Fondly called as Adiyogi, he is the patron god of yoga, meditation and arts.
The statue depicts Shiva in a deep meditation, sitting in padmasana and abhaya yoga mudra.
The neatly carved floral head-rest, matted hair lock, serpent around his neck, the rudraksha and ornaments, tripundra and third eye, and the tiger-skin attire are the special features which speak of skilled craftsmanship.
An amazing work of artistry to adorn your indoor space, prayer/meditation hall.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1-416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges.)


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