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Round Coffee Mug (Small)

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Set of 4

Length: 11 cms | Breadth: 8 cms | Height: 7 cms | Capacity: 200 ml

  • With a uniform circulation of heat and moisture through the mug, it keeps in all the aroma and flavour 

  • It infuses a punch of minerals in every mug of coffee which makes them the perfect choice for your family 

  • The mug is stuffed with the goodness of clay and soaked in starch water for 3 to 4 days to get rid of the odour of clay

  • It is then scrubbed clean to remove dust and impurities

  • Finally, it is fired in a wood oven to close pores

  • Enjoy a regular dose of coffee in nothing but this mug

(Prices inclusive of Shipping)




Set of 4

Length: 11 cms | Breadth: 8 cms | Height: 7 cms | Capacity: 200 ml

  • With a uniform circulation of heat and moisture through the mug, it keeps in all the aroma and flavour 

  • It infuses a punch of minerals in every mug of coffee which makes them the perfect choice for your family 

  • The mug is stuffed with the goodness of clay and soaked in starch water for 3 to 4 days to get rid of the odour of clay

  • It is then scrubbed clean to remove dust and impurities

  • Finally, it is fired in a wood oven to close pores

  • Enjoy a regular dose of coffee in nothing but this mug

(Prices inclusive of Shipping)


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