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Buddha in Dharmachakra Mudra #372

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Material used: Black Granite


  • Height: 9.5 in
  • Width: 7 in

Gautama Buddha, an ascetic and spiritual teacher of ancient India, was the founder of Buddhism.
Various mudras of Buddha are used in practice to evoke a particular state of mind.
One of its kind, a black granite statue of Buddha in Dharmachakra mudra, a gesture denoting the Teaching of the Wheel of Dharma.
The mudra is performed with the help of both hands which are held against the chest, the left facing inward, covering the right facing outward. The thumb and index fingers of both hands touch at their tips to form a circle.
A simple and serene statue, with Buddha seated in padmasana, on an intricately carved pedestal.
The statue is ideal to be placed in the living room, study room or meditation/prayer hall.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1 416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges).




Material used: Black Granite


  • Height: 9.5 in
  • Width: 7 in

Gautama Buddha, an ascetic and spiritual teacher of ancient India, was the founder of Buddhism.
Various mudras of Buddha are used in practice to evoke a particular state of mind.
One of its kind, a black granite statue of Buddha in Dharmachakra mudra, a gesture denoting the Teaching of the Wheel of Dharma.
The mudra is performed with the help of both hands which are held against the chest, the left facing inward, covering the right facing outward. The thumb and index fingers of both hands touch at their tips to form a circle.
A simple and serene statue, with Buddha seated in padmasana, on an intricately carved pedestal.
The statue is ideal to be placed in the living room, study room or meditation/prayer hall.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1 416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges).


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