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Lakshmi Narayana, with Brahma #494

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Material used: Marble


Height: 8 in
Width: 11 in

  • A breathtaking sculpture made from marble by proficient craftsmen.
  • The statue portrays Lakshmi in the service of Narayana, reclining on the serpent god Adishesha, floating in the Ocean of milk.
  • Exquisitely carved, Narayana is seen with Chakra in the upper right hand, gada in the lower right hand, conch in the upper left hand and the lotus in the lower left hand.
  • Sitting next to Narayana is his consort Lakshmi pressing his leg, from his navel arises Brahma, the Creator.
  • The craftsmen have delicately carved the serpent god, the physical attributes of the gods and the goddess, their jewels, clothing with curves and pleats, the plant like structures behind the gods.
  • A sculpture which is sure to attract a great deal of attention anywhere it is placed.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1 416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges). 




Material used: Marble


Height: 8 in
Width: 11 in

  • A breathtaking sculpture made from marble by proficient craftsmen.
  • The statue portrays Lakshmi in the service of Narayana, reclining on the serpent god Adishesha, floating in the Ocean of milk.
  • Exquisitely carved, Narayana is seen with Chakra in the upper right hand, gada in the lower right hand, conch in the upper left hand and the lotus in the lower left hand.
  • Sitting next to Narayana is his consort Lakshmi pressing his leg, from his navel arises Brahma, the Creator.
  • The craftsmen have delicately carved the serpent god, the physical attributes of the gods and the goddess, their jewels, clothing with curves and pleats, the plant like structures behind the gods.
  • A sculpture which is sure to attract a great deal of attention anywhere it is placed.

(Shipping charges additional. Please contact us at +1 416-871-1444 or for details on applicable shipping charges). 


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